
First of all this was one of my favourite subject but I still encountered a lot of problems since I didn't know anything about coding, but after some practise and searching for different codes on Bootstrap and We3schools I got the idea of coding. Obviously I still encountered some other problems but with the help of the lecturer they were solved as well. 

Obviously after finishing my website I realized that there were some things that could have been improved or changed, and I even noticed that I could have added extra things.  If I had more time I wanted to include more pages and I wanted to include the buy button when you click on an image that will take you directly to the shopping cart.

Some withdraws I had were when I was linking the things on HTML to the CSS, since not everything was linking. Some other issues I encountered where when we had to insert our code in the validators. Some of the errors that came upon the validator were solved but some of them when I tried to arrange them, the layout of my website
started changing. 

After all I'm very happy with the final outcome since I never did coding before. 


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